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February 3, 2023

EPA Requests Nominations for SAB; Members May be Asked to Participate on CACC

Lynn L. Bergeson Carla N. Hutton

On January 31, 2023, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) invited nominations of scientific experts from a diverse range of disciplines to be considered for appointment to the EPA Science Advisory Board (SAB). 88 Fed. Reg. 6255. The SAB is a chartered Federal Advisory Committee (FAC) that provides independent scientific and technical peer review, consultation, advice, and recommendations to the EPA Administrator on the scientific bases for EPA’s actions and programs. The EPA Administrator appoints members for a two- or three-year term, and the members serve as Special Government Employees who provide independent expert advice to EPA. Nominations are due March 2, 2023.
According to the notice, members selected to the chartered SAB may also be asked to participate on the following standing committees of the SAB:

  • The Agricultural Science Committee, which provides advice on matters that have been determined to have a significant direct impact on farming and agriculture-related industries;
  • The Chemical Assessment Advisory Committee (CACC), which provides advice on EPA guidance documents, methodologies, and assessments that evaluate human health effects resulting from exposure to environmental hazards, as well as selected toxicological reviews of environmental chemicals available on EPA’s Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS);
  • The Climate Science Committee, which provides advice on climate change science and the effects of climate change;
  • The Drinking Water Committee, which provides advice on the scientific and technical aspects of EPA’s national drinking water program;
  • The Economic Analysis Committee, which provides advice on the economic analysis of EPA programs;
  • The Environmental Justice Science Committee, which provides advice on the scientific and technical aspects of environmental justice to improve the environment and/or public health in communities disproportionately impacted by environmental health hazards and risks; and
  • The Radiation Advisory Committee, which provides advice on radiation protection, radiation science, and radiation risk assessment.

The selection criteria for the SAB and the SAB committees include:

  • Demonstrated scientific credentials and disciplinary expertise in relevant fields;
  • Willingness to commit time to the committee and demonstrated ability to work constructively and effectively on committees;
  • Background and experiences that would help members contribute to the diversity of perspectives on the committee, e.g., geographical, social, cultural, educational backgrounds, professional affiliations; and other considerations; and
  • For the committee as a whole, the collective breadth and depth of scientific expertise are considered